Today was our 10th Birthday as a Charitable Trust - who would have thought that we would still be going 10 years on ! We have had a few changes of scenery - firstly in Hall St for 5 years then Tobin St again upstairs for 3years, and now we seem have settled our selves down in Graham St over the past 2 years. We have been so lucky to find such a lovely "house" where we can provide a very family friendly environment for the families that come to us for Supervised Contact as well as our counselling clients - thankyou Ray White !!
Over the years we have grown from the 3 of us Diana, Christine and Jody to now contracting 18 staff as well as placing 4 students in primary schools within Franklin.
We receive funding from Lotteries,COGS, Foundation North, Sky City, Trust Waikato regularily as well as funds from Southern Trust and Auckland Council for specific objectives. However we have worked very had to be as self sufficient as possible with our "fee for service' for work contracted by Oranga Tamariki as well as the Ministry of Justice. We also are a Supplier for ACC ( Sensitive Claims) Counselling and have 3 registered ACC Counsellors. We also contract a Registered Social Worker who is Acc Registered.
So all in all we are in very good health !!